Monday, March 29, 2010

Life of a teacher plus a mother......

Life of a teacher should be very simple in most of the people's mindset. But, in actual fact, it wasn't that simple. You can't believe of what you really experience it if you are a permanent teacher. What to say you have to play a role of a teacher plus a mother in nowadays lifestyle!
Today is Monday. Assembly was held this morning. After headmaster's speech was followed by story telling competition in Mandarin between primary 3 and primary 4. Later on was the training of school basketball competion under district. Hurry up with fast breakfast, came back for daily teaching. Then, I monitored the basketball training for a while. From there, I got to know that the coach was undergone difficult time with his headmaster. The headmaster insists him to replace all the lesson skipped by him due to the basketball training. It was terrible! He had a bad mood and cannot concentrate fully in coaching the players.